Dear Toastmasters in Division D & K:
In Toastmasters, we learn by doing and do by learning.
In 2015 Judge Training, the learning is a promise!
You don't need to be a contestant to join the Judge Training!
You don't need to be a C6 above Toastmaster to join the Judge Training!
The yearly Judge Training is right around the corner. There are few reasons why you are strongly recommended to take part in the event.
1. To learn how your performance is judged.
Following the structured Judging System, the critical categories which you applied to lay out your speech will be elaborated in a detailed fashion to ensure your awareness when organizing speeches.
2. To learn how to judge the contestants' performance
We had all experienced a variety of training in speech delivering and evaluation. Under a given structure of judging criteria, how can we effectively and efficiently deliver a fair and appropriate result which would successfully recognized contestants' effort.
3. Learning by doing and sharing
Through Q&A interaction, you can clarify whatever had confused you.
4. Witness the Excellence of the Excellence
Outstanding speakers are invited to deliver the training. They are not only the speakers, but also the presenters to demonstrate a successful public presentation.
The Training contains all basic knowledge required as a judge and a contestant. You surly don't want to miss it.
Time: 12:30-16:55, Saturday, Sept. 5th, 2015
Venue: 台南市後甲國中 (台南市東區東平路260號, 後火車站前的大學路底, 成功大學附近)