Dear All Officers of D67 Toastmasters!! 
D67 演講會幹部們大家好!
Welcome to our 2014 Spring Conference 30 day Countdown. 
歡迎加入2014春季大會 30天到數計畫!
Let's Spring Into The World, Taiwan! 
讓我們一起 躍馬迎春 放眼天下!
We’ve had so many awesome promotion videos these past weeks and many Toastmasters have made 
wonderful memories along the way. We can't wait to show you our trailer! 
For those of you who couldn't join us, here is your opportunity to shine. 
無法參與我們的分會,別擔心. 你們的機會來了!!
Over the 30 days from 13 March to 11 April, we are going to use the official 2014 Spring Conference Facebook 
page to highlight various clubs across the island!!
We encourage you to register for the Countdown Video project.
歡迎註冊參加2014春季大會 30天到數計畫!
Its 3 EASY steps. (Open the PDF below for details.)
The HARD part? 
 To make YOUR club stand out with your creativity, passion, and imagination!!
最難的是: 如何在30個影片中脫穎而出,展現你分會的創意,熱情,與想像力!
The most "LIKED" club videos will be honored at the Spring Conference on April 12 and 13th in Taipei! 

If you are ready to start, please apply for your countdown video date via the link below: 
As you can see, you've never had so much fun before a conference.
Let us tell you, you've seen nothing yet!
We'll see you soon!
Division H Governor Lawrence Huang
Division C Governor Sterling Hsiao