Dear 2013-14 Area Governors and Division Governors,

How have you been doing?
I just received TI's congratulation letter for our outstanding performance in the 2013-14. They attached certificates for each Area Governor and Division Governor who had achieved at least Distinguished. It will be my greatest pleasure to present to you and your clubs which had achieved at least Distinguished awards at the dinner party on November 22nd. Attached please also find the clubs' names. Please kindly persuade them to join the Fall conference for this glorious moments. 
Dear Division Governors, Would you please kindly let me know how many of your leaders will be at the dinner party. We will present the award to you by divisions. To save time, you will line up before go up to the stage. So, if you can provide me your attendees as checking in list, it will be highly appreciated. The deadline for the list is November 20. 
Look forward to seeing you in the Fall Conference. 
Yours sincerely,
Joy Tsai
District Governor of 2013-14